April 27, 2024
NEW DELHI (AP) — India’s naval forces rescued an Iranian-flagged fishing vessel hijacked by Somali pirates and freed its 19-member Pakistan.......

“Three Rescued: India’s Acts of Valor Against Pirates in the Arabian Sea”

NEW DELHI (AP) – In a daring display of military prowess and humanitarianism, India’s naval forces have once again saved the day by rescuing a hijacked Iranian fishing vessel and its 19-man Pakistani crew from Somali pirates. This marks the third successful mission this week alone, showcasing India’s unmatched ability to protect and serve in the high seas.

Under the cover of darkness, Indian naval troops intercepted the vessel and bravely fought off the 11 Somali pirates who had taken control. The pirates were swiftly apprehended by the armed troops, who ensured the safe release of the crew and return of the vessel to its rightful owners.

This mission is just one of the many displays of India’s commitment to international cooperation and maritime security. With the recent escalation of attacks by Yemen-based rebels in the Red Sea, India has stepped up its efforts by deploying guided missile destroyers and reconnaissance aircraft, patrolling the vast Indian Ocean for any signs of piracy or threats.

This isn’t the first time India has come to the rescue, as it had also aided in the liberation of an Iranian vessel and its 17 crew members just a day prior. And just a few days before that, the Seychelles’ defense forces joined forces with the Indian coast guard to rescue six Sri Lankan fishermen from a hijacked vessel.

With the menace of piracy still prevalent in these international waters, India’s naval forces prove time and time again that they are more than capable of thwarting any attacks and safeguarding the lives and livelihoods of those at risk. And with their continued efforts, they are setting an example for other nations to follow.

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiemh0dHBzOi8vdG9yb250by5jaXR5bmV3cy5jYS8yMDI0LzAxLzMwL2luZGlhcy1uYXZ5LXJlc2N1ZXMtc2Vjb25kLWlyYW5pYW4tZmxhZ2dlZC1maXNoaW5nLWJvYXQtaGlqYWNrZWQtYnktc29tYWxpLXBpcmF0ZXMv0gEA?oc=5

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